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Oxford Crossings Celebrates National Centenarian’s Day, Sept. 22  

Senior Resident Gertrude Clauhs

Oxford Crossings is celebrating National Centenarian’s Day by honoring Gertrude Clauhs, a 100-year-old resident. The Langhorne Personal Care Community recognizes the wisdom of its centenarians and the lessons they can share from their rich life experiences, spanning from the Great Depression to the digital age. Gertrude Clauhs attributes her long life to love, laughter, and […]

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Assisted Living & Personal Care in Pennsylvania: An Overview 

Assisted living seniors outdoors

With aging parents, it can be overwhelming exploring all the various senior housing options available. Assisted Living and Personal Care are potential options, but how do you pick the one that best suits their requirements? Read on for tips on selecting the right personal care home or assisted living facility in Pennsylvania.  What is Personal […]

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Downsize with Ease: A Guide for Seniors Transitioning to Senior Living 

moving truck for downsizing in bucks county pa

Are you ready to embark on a new chapter in your life surrounded by luxurious amenities, engaging activities, and compassionate care? Transitioning to a senior living community is an exciting time filled with new opportunities and a chance to focus on the things that truly matter. Before you can begin your journey, you will need […]

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Heart Health

Many factors influence healthy aging and your heart health. Some of these, such as genetics, are not in our control. Others — like exercise, a healthy diet, going to the doctor regularly, and taking care of our mental health — are within our reach. Daniel Forman, MD, chair of the Section of Geriatric Cardiology at […]

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