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Why Choose Us?

Opportunities for a vibrant lifestyle are everywhere at Oxford Crossings. Residents can enjoy delectable dining with 3 daily meals included, spacious and inviting lounges, and plenty of activities to engage both the body and mind.

Services & Amenities

Our support for seniors includes medication management and regular monitoring of health, safety, and specific needs for each resident. We provide 24/7 on-site care with a call alert system and nursing staff standing by.

Respite Care

Promoting connection is a goal of life enrichment programming. Our residents can participate in a range of exercise programs, art classes, outings, and more.

Life Enrichment

Our Location

Find us conveniently located near North Pine Street, only 10 miles west of Philadelphia.

Our Address

  • 310 E Winchester Ave
  • Langhorne, PA 19047

Contact Information

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