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Find Your Career in Care

Oxford Crossings is comprised of a dedicated staff that takes pride in what we do. If you want to be part of a valued team who cares for one another and our residents, we are looking for you.

We strive to ensure you always feel appreciated here and find plenty of opportunities for personal growth and career advancement.

Some benefits of joining our team include the following:

  • Uplifting work environment
  • Strong employee morale
  • Health insurance and 401(k) retirement plan
  • Employee-sponsored life insurance
  • Employee assistance program (EAP)
  • Growth opportunities

To join the Oxford Crossings family, browse our available positions below and apply! We can’t wait to meet you.

Current Opportunities

Contact Us for Careers

Our Location

Find us conveniently located near North Pine Street, only 10 miles west of Philadelphia.

Our Address

  • 310 E Winchester Ave
  • Langhorne, PA 19047

Contact Information

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